Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Return to running

On Monday night I couldn't wait any longer. Two weeks was too long without any running, but I feel like it was a good recovery from the marathon. I went for an easy paced three miles with Elijah, man pushing that joggy stroller is hard! I'll probably go again tonight to get back in to some sort of training plan. It's nice to not have a specific workout that I have to run though. I'm going to try to get into running a variety of workouts 5 or 6 times a week. A mix of easy runs and hard runs should get things to where I want them to be while still keeping my weekly mileage fairly high. During the marathon training I came to love the 10 mile long run, it was long enough to feel long, but short enough that I wasn't bored or over tired at the end. I'll probably incorporate that into my workouts to stay on top of things.

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